In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Fosters Legal Solicitors Ltd gathers and stores the information that you make available to us solely in order to provide the legal advice and services that you ask us to.
Like any other firm providing legal services, we will be asking you to provide us with access to sensitive and personal information, and you can be confident that we treat it in accordance with the GDPR and industry best practice. In summary:
We do not pass on your data to anyone else unless as part of providing services and in direct accordance with your wishes (for example the retention of Barristers services) or if legally required to do so. If we do need to pass on data to others as part of providing such services, then we will discuss this with you beforehand.
All of your data (both paper and electronic) will store securely under lock and key in our office while your case is active.
Once your case is closed, then we will return to you any original documents that you have provided to us. In line with industry-standard practise, we store remaining data, copies of documents and case notes for six years from closure of the case in order to be able to answer any queries or follow on services that may arise. Yearly audits are carried out, and any data that is older than six years will be securely destroyed. Therefore your data will be stored for a minimum of six years and a maximum of seven years.
We will never sell or loan your data to another company or individual. Only members of our staff who are directly involved in your case will have access to your data, and all have signed relevant non-disclosure agreements and been briefed on their responsibilities regarding the confidentiality of your data. We do not engage in direct marketing.
At any time you can request to see your file, and request modifications or corrections as required. Should you decide that you no longer want us to act for you, we will return your entire file to you.
Should we identify any form of a data breach, then we will comply with the policy and inform you as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, then please discuss them with us first.
You always have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office if you are not happy with our response.